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Women & Gender
22 experts • 22 exps
The origins of feminism: why and how women demanded change
Lucy Delap
Feminist activism across the generations
Maxine Molyneux
A history of global feminisms
Durba Mitra
Feminism: "The Longest Revolution"
Juliet Mitchell
Why the history of feminism has blind spots
Hannah Dawson
Women and the mind doctors
Lisa Appignanesi
Sex differences, diversity and equality
Irene Miguel-Aliaga
Gender bias in data and technology
Judy Wajcman
Feminist economics and the true cost of gender bias
Susan Himmelweit
Marie Curie, Rosalind Franklin and women's roles in the history of science
Patricia Fara
Building public trust in science
Fiona Watt
Tackling embedded gender bias in medicine
Amy S. Gottlieb
Why love is more difficult to experience
Eva Illouz
What is happening to our bodies?
Susie Orbach
Sexual paranoia and the rise of governance feminism
Laura Kipnis
Sexual jokes and responding to sexism in comedy
Devorah Baum
Gender violence and equality in modern India
Shruti Kapila
Reconfiguring the law to provide justice for women
Helena Kennedy
The life and times of Virginia Woolf
Laura Marcus
Eleanor Marx and women today
Dana Mills
Lady Chatterley, woman and sexuality
Lara Feigel
Simone de Beauvoir's "The Second Sex"
Kate Kirkpatrick