Climate Change: A Short Introduction

Develop an informed perspective on climate change, its causes and dangers and what we can do about it.

First-hand knowledge from leading climate experts

Climate change is possibly the greatest challenge of our time, "the fight of our lives" in the words of the UN Secretary General at the COP26. We accept the scientific consensus that climate change is real and that it is related to human actions. Beyond that - the picture becomes blurry. How bad is it?? How fast is it happening? What are the probable consequences and what can we do to mitigate them?

To take action, we need a clear perspective. We must listen to scientists to develop a more accurate understanding of the key issues, take a stand and make informed decisions.


Our short introduction to this course includes original talks with the following experts:

Friederike Otto
Physicist and Climate Researcher, Imperial College London
Martin Siegert
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Cornwall) at the University of Exeter, University of Exeter
Yadvinder Malhi
Professor of Ecosystem Science, University of Oxford
Tim Lenton
Professor of Climate Change and Earth System Science, University of Exeter, UK
Gbemi Oluleye
Research Fellow in Environmental Policy, Imperial College London
Matthew Agarwala
Environmental Economist, University of Cambridge
Tamsin Edwards
Reader in Climate Change, King's College London

Course coordinator

Dr Yishay Mor

Dr Yishay Mor is EXPeditions' Chief Learning Officer. He designed this online course based on contributions to EXPeditions by leading climate change thinkers, researchers and scientists. He introduces each of the lectures, sets the learning objectives and identifies the main takeaways.

Dr Mor is an expert in learning design, educational technology and innovation in teaching.

What you'll learn

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Define key concepts related to climate change
  • Relate the phenomena of climate change to human carbon emissions
  • Identify the major risks associated with human-induced climate change
  • Recognise the actions we need to take

The course includes

  • 5 sections
  • 9 lectures

Course duration

1 hour, 45 minutes


(Online price)

Course curriculum

ChapterLecturesCompletion time
1. Introduction 15 mins
2. The crisis is now330 mins
3. How did we get here?220 mins
4. What do we do now?330 mins
5. Conclusions220 mins

Frequently Asked Questions