I'm a Senior Lecturer in Global Digital Cultures at King’s College London.
I research the diffusion and use of digital technologies in the Global South, especially in China and Southeast Asia.
Oreglia, E. (2019). Location-based Technologies from the Walls of Rural China. In R. Wilken, G. Goggin, & H. A. Horst (Eds.), Location Technologies in International Context (pp. 17–30). Routledge.
Burrell, J., & Oreglia, E. (2019). The Myth of Market Price Information: Mobile Phones and the Application of Economic Knowledge in ICTD. In M. Graham (Ed.), Digital Economies at Global Margins (pp. 173–190). MIT Press.
Oreglia, E., & Srinivasan, J. (2019). Human and non-human intermediation in rural agricultural markets. Journal of Cultural Economy, 13(4), 353–367.
Oreglia, E., & Ling, R. (2018). Popular Digital Imagination: Grass-Root Conceptualization of the Mobile Phone in the Global South. Journal of Communication, 68(3), 570–589.
Oreglia, E. (2015). The “Sent-Down” Internet: using information and communication technologies in rural China. Chinese Journal of Communication, 8(1), 1–6.
Oreglia, E. (2013). When Technology Doesn’t Fit: Information Sharing Practices among Farmers in Rural China. Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development (ICTD).