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Science & scientists
11 experts • 15 exps
Being a scientist: journey into the unknown
Buzz Baum
Science without borders: Sharing a passion for discovery
Geneviève Almouzni
The art of being a scientist
Bruce Stillman
Science as a calling
Martin Rees
The beauty of mathematics applied to human biology
Keith Moffatt
What do we mean by excellence in science?
Fiona Watt
Science and The State?
Patricia Fara
Being a climate scientist
Tamsin Edwards
Bridging science and policy
Mark Burgman
Restoring trust in science
Mark Burgman
Building public trust in science
Fiona Watt
Wittgenstein and the nature of philosophical explanation
Barry Smith
The exceptional influence of Charles Darwin
Jim Secord
Isaac Newton, a man of science and religion
Patricia Fara
Marie Curie, Rosalind Franklin and women's roles in the history of science
Patricia Fara