I’m the Richard B. Wolf Associate Professor of Women, Gender and Sexuality at Harvard University.
I am a scholar of the history of sexuality and epistemology in South Asia and the comparative colonial and post-colonial world.
Mitra, D. (2016). Translation as Techné: Female Sexuality and the Science of Social Progress in Colonial India. History and Technology, 31(4), 350-375.
Mitra, D. (2012). Critical Perspectives on SlutWalks in India. Feminist Studies, 38(1), 254–261.
Chemaly, S., Kaplan, C. and Mitra, D. (2020). Ask a Feminist: Soraya Chemaly Discusses Feminist Rage with Carla Kaplan and Durba Mitra. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 45(3), 759-774.
MacKinnon, C.A. & Mitra, D. (2019). Ask a Feminist: Sexual Harassment in the Age of #MeToo. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 44(4),1027-1043.
Mitra, D. (2018, September 27). History’s Apology: Sexuality and the 377 Supreme Court Decision in India. Epicenter.
Mitra, D. (2023) “The Report, or, Whatever Happened to Third World Feminist Theory? Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 48, 1 (Spring 2023): 557-584.
Indian Sex Life